Continua el evento de doble experiencia en Battleborn

Ya Battleborn lleva alrededor de 2 semanas desde su salida y la compañía Gearbox nos ha dado unas actualizaciones para el juego. Una de ellas es el evento de doble experiencia para los jugadores que comenzó el 20 de mayo y terminará el 25 de mayo. Nos dieron a conocer de igual manera un nuevo personaje llamada Alani, la cuál tendrá como trabajo ser “healer” al igual que Miko. Como mencioné aquí el juego es uno muy bueno y diferente a los que estamos acostumbrados a jugar en el genero FPS. Para más detalle leer las notas:

It’s only been a couple weeks since Battleborn was unleashed on the world and already new heroes are joining the fight to save the last star! The first of five new free playable characters – Alani, the warrior-monk healer – releases on Tuesday, May 31st for all platforms and can be unlocked for 47,500 credits earned in-game. Can’t wait that long? Digital Deluxe and Season Pass holders will not only be able to instantly unlock Alani using a Hero Key (more on these keys below), they will also be able to play Alani early starting on Tuesday, May 24th! 

  • Alani Early Access: May 24th starting at 9am PDT for all regions
  • Alani Official Release: May 31st starting at 9am PDT for all regions

What time is that in your region? Check here

A member of the Eldrid faction who was raised as a healer, but forced to be a warrior, Alani is all that remains of her order after Rendain’s Jennerit Imperium stole the oceans from her world. As a warrior from a planet with vast seas, Alani’s attacks and abilities revolve around her power to control water to dish out pain, or heal her fellowBattleborn. Check back on May 24th for her full reveal and in the meantime, here’s a first-look at Alani fully rendered in-game.

Hero Keys

Want to unlock Ghalt before getting to Command Rank 40? Then you’re in luck! Starting with the release of Alani, Digital Deluxe and Season Pass holders will receive one Hero Key to instantly unlock ANY hero in the game with each new hero release. To use a key, just head to the Battleborn Character screen in the Command Center and choose the character you want to unlock. You can also use these keys to instantly unlock newly released heroes like Alani, saving you the time it would otherwise take to earn enough credits to do that.

Here’s even more good news: Hero Keys are reusable! If you complete the challenge objective or reach the required Command Rank at any time after unlocking a hero using a Hero Key, then that Hero Key will be returned to you and you can then use that Hero Key to unlock another hero.


PlayStation 4 Open Beta Bonus

As a thank you to PS4 players who participated in the Open Beta, they will receive a Hero Key to instantly unlock Alani on May 24th or another hero of their choice, as well as the first Battleborn DLC Pack Story Operation upon release. For those PS4 Open Beta players who also purchased a Season Pass or Digital Deluxe Edition, they will receive an additional Hero Key (bringing the grand total to six throughout the release of Season Pass content).


As you can see, we’re gearing up for a summer of awesome new content. The release of Alani is just the beginning of many free updates we’re planning. You can see what else we have in store for future content in this post. And this weekend? It’s time to double-up on your XP!

Double XP Event

Join us for a Double XP event in Battleborn! From Friday until Wednesday, you can reap the rewards of earning double Command Rank and Character Rank experience in all Story Mode missions and Competitive Multiplayer matches. This event is global and available to all platforms. All you need to do is jump into battle and bask in double XP glory.

  • START: Friday, May 20 at 8am PDT
  • END: Wednesday, May 25th at 8am PDT





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