EA ofrece grandes descuentos en juegos para Xbox One y Xbox 360

EA anuncia grandes descuentos en gran variedad de títulos para Xbox 360 y Xbox One. Entre ellos se encuentra “Titanfall” que está por $13.20 y la versión deluxe por $16.20, que es tremendo precio. Además para Xbox 360 está en especial los títulos de “Dragon Age,” siendo tremenda oportunidad para adquirir los juegos. Ofertas válidas hasta el lunes, 2 de febrero.

Xbox One

Título Tipo de contenido Descuento %
Just Dance 2015 Xbox One Game 40%
Another World Xbox One Game 50%
Battlefield 4 Xbox One Game 60-67%
Battlefield 4 Premium Edition Xbox One Game 50-60%
Battlefield 4 Premium Xbox One Game 50-60%
EA Sports UFC Xbox One Game 67-75%
Madden 15 Super Bowl Xbox One Game 50-60%
NHL 15 Xbox One Game 50-60%
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare Xbox One Game 67-75%
Titanfall Xbox One Game 67-75%
Titanfall Deluxe Xbox One Game 67-75%
Titanfall (Season Pass) Add-On 67-75%
NBA Live 15 Digital Edition Xbox One Game 60-67%
Dragon Age Inquisition Xbox One Game 33-40%
Dragon Age Inquisition Deluxe Edition Xbox One Game 33-40%
Need for Speed Rivals: Complete Edition Xbox One Game 67-75%
Peggle 2 Magical Masters Edition Xbox One Game 60-67%

Xbox 360

Título Tipo de contenido Descuento %
Just Dance 2015 Games on Demand 50%
TMNT: Out of the Shadows Arcade 50%
Transformers Rise of the Dark Spark Games on Demand 75%
Tony Hawk Pro Skater* Arcade 50%
Prototype 1 Games on Demand 50%
Prototype 2 Games on Demand 75%
Kingdoms of Amalur Games on Demand 80%
Madden 15 Games on Demand 60%
Mass Effect 3: Genesis 2 Add-on 50%
Mass Effect 3: Citadel (1 of 2) Add-on 50%
Mass Effect 3: Leviathan Add-on 50%
Mass Effect 3: Omega Add-on 50%
Mass Effect 3: From Ashes Add-on 50%
Mass Effect 2: Genesis Add-on 50%
Mass Effect 3: Firefight Pack Add-on 50%
Mass Effect 2: Arrival Add-on 50%
Mass Effect 3: Groundside Resistance Pack Add-on 50%
Mass Effect 3: Alternate Appearance Pack 1 Add-on 50%
NCAA Football 14 Games on Demand 75%
NHL 15 Games on Demand 60%
Skate 3 Games on Demand 75%
Titanfall Deluxe Edition Games on Demand 75%
Titanfall Season Pass Add-on 75%
Army of Two: TFD Games on Demand 75%
Burnout Paradise Games on Demand 75%
Bulletstorm Games on Demand 75%
Crysis 3 Games on Demand 80%
Crysis 2 Games on Demand 80%
Dragon Age 2 Games on Demand 80%
Fight Night Champion Games on Demand 80%
Mirror’s Edge Games on Demand 75%
Need for Speed Most Wanted Games on Demand 80%
Need for Speed Rivals Games on Demand 67%
NFL Blitz Arcade 75%
Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare Games on Demand 67%
Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel Games on Demand 80%
Crysis Games on Demand 80%
Dead Space Games on Demand 80%
Dragon Age Origins Games on Demand 70%
Fuse Games on Demand 80%
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Games on Demand 80%
Skate Games on Demand 67%
Skate 2 Games on Demand 67%
Dragon Age Origins: Awakening Games on Demand 75%
Syndicate Games on Demand 80%
NBA Jam On Fire Edition Arcade 67%



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