“LittleBigPlanet 3” por $24.99 entre las ofertas de San Valentín por el PSN

Desde hoy comienza la venta de San Valentín De PSN con grandes juegos y ofertas en juegos y películas. Entre los títulos más destacados se encuentra “LittleBigPlanet 3” por $24.99 y “Rayman Legends” por $9.99. Oferta durará hasta el lunes, 16 de febrero. A continuación el listado completo.


Título Plataforma Precio original Precio especial
Air Conflicts: Vietnam PS3 29.99 7.50
Arcana Heart 3 PS3 $29.99 $6.00
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II PS Vita/PSP $9.99 $2.00
Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001 PS3 $9.99 $2.50
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate PS3 $39.99 $10.00
Dead or Alive 5 PS3 $19.99 $4.00
Def Jam Fight For New York: The Takeover PSP $9.99 $2.00
Digimon All-Star Rumble PS3 $39.99 $16.00
Divekick PS4 $9.99 $4.00
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends PS4 $59.99 $18.00
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends PS3 $39.99 $12.00
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends PS Vita $39.99 $12.00
Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions PS4 $14.99 $9.89
Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions PS3 $14.99 $9.89
Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- PS4 $59.99 $24.00
Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- PS3 $49.99 $20.00
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus PS Vita/PSP $9.99 $2.00
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R PS Vita $14.99 $3.00
Hard Corps: Uprising PS3 $14.99 $6.00
How to survive PS4 $19.99 $8.00
Hyperdimention Neptunia Rebirth 1 PS Vita $39.99 $14.00
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle PS3 $49.99 $20.00
Knack PS4 $39.99 $10.00
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris PS4 $19.99 $8.00
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris & Season Pass Pack PS4 $28.99 $11.60
LittleBigPlanet 3 PS4 $59.99 $24.00
LittleBigPlanet 3 PS3 $59.99 $24.00
Me and My Katamari PSP $14.99 $4.95
Mercenary Kings PS4 $19.99 $6.00
Monster Monpiece PS Vita $29.99 $9.00
Mortal Kombat: Unchained PS Vita/PSP $9.99 $2.50
Payday 2 PS3 $39.99 $10.00
Ragnarok Odyssey Ace PS3 $29.99 $12.00
Ragnarok Odyssey Ace PS Vita $29.99 $12.00
Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One PS3 $19.99 $8.00
Rayman Legends PS4 $39.99 $10.00
Rayman Legends PS3 $39.99 $10.00
Rayman Legends PS Vita $26.99 $6.75
Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 PS3 $39.99 $8.00
SoulcaliburV PS3 $19.99 $8.00
Sportsfriends PS4 $14.99 $4.50
Sportsfriends PS3 $14.99 $4.50
Street Fighter Alpha (PS3/PSP/PS Vita) PS3/PS Vita/PSP $5.99 $1.20
Street Fighter Alpha 2 (PS3/PSP/PS Vita) PS3/PS Vita/PSP $5.99 $1.20
STREET FIGHTER ALPHA 3 (PS3/PSP/PS Vita) PS3/PS Vita/PSP $5.99 $1.20
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike: Online Edition Complete Pack PS3 $19.99 $4.00
Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition PS3 $14.99 $3.00
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix PS3 $9.99 $2.00
Tales of Xillia 2 PS3 $39.99 $16.00
Tekken (PS3/PSP/PS Vita) PS3/PS Vita/PSP $5.99 $1.20
The Jackbox Party Pack PS4 $24.99 $10.00
The King of Fighters ’99 (PS3/PSP/PS Vita) PS3/PS Vita/PSP $5.99 $1.20
TowerFall Ascension PS4 $14.99 $4.50
Unit 13 PS Vita $17.99 $7.20
Vandal Hearts: Flames of Judgment PS3 $14.99 $6.00
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown Complete Edition PS3 $29.99 $6.00
Zombie Apocalypse: Never Die Alone PS3 $9.99 $4.00



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