Comienza hoy Golden Week Sale en PSN

Sony anuncia hoy su nueva venta de juegos, Golden Week Sale. Esta venta se enfoca en juegos japoneses que incluye títulos como Metal Gear Solid y Dragon Ball Z. Estos juegos son:

Título Precio con PS Plus  Precio especial  Precio original 
Armored Core: Verdict Day (PS3) $5.00 $9.99 $19.99
Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk (PS3) $24.49 $34.99 $49.99
Atelier Meruru Plus: The Apprentice of Arland (PS Vita) $19.59 $27.99 $39.99
Atelier Totori Plus: The Adventurer of Arland (PS Vita) $19.59 $27.99 $39.99
Chrono Cross (PS3/PSP/PS Vita) $3.49 $4.99 $9.99
Chrono Trigger (PS3/PSP/PS Vita) $3.49 $4.99 $9.99
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (PS Vita) $32.39 $35.99 $39.99
Devil May Cry HD Collection (PS3) $8.99 $14.99 $29.99
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z (PS3) $15.00 $29.99 $59.99
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z (PS Vita) $10.00 $19.99 $39.99
Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational (PS3) $5.00 $9.99 $19.99
Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory (PS3) $14.69 $20.99 $29.99
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (PS3) $14.99 $24.99 $49.99
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (PS3) $11.99 $19.99 $39.99
Metal Gear Solid: HD Collection (PS Vita) $8.99 $14.99 $29.99
Muramasa Rebirth (PS Vita) $7.49 $12.49 $24.99
Persona 4 Golden (PS Vita) $14.62 $19.49 $29.99
rain (PS3) $3.75 $7.49 $14.99
Saint Seiya: Brave Soldiers (PS3) $15.00 $29.99 $59.99
SoulCalibur V (PS3) $5.00 $9.99 $19.99
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles (PS3) $10.00 $19.99 $39.99
Time and Eternity (PS3) $9.79 $13.99 $19.99
Ys: Memories of Celceta (PS Vita) $19.59 $27.99 $39.99
Zone of the Enders HD Collection (PS3) $10.49 $17.49 $34.99


Fuente: Playstation

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