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Nuevo trailer para la serie de Marvel, Jessica Jones + bio del personaje

En el día de hoy Netflix publicó por Youtube un segundo tráiler sobre la nueva propuesta en conjunto con Marvel y nos muestra más el tono que tendrá esta serie. Se puede apreciar que el tono tendrá uno más serio y psicológico que su contraparte Daredevil, que gozó de tremenda aceptación y fué una muy buena. Además de la protagonista caracterizada por Krysten Ritter, podemos ver al actor David Tennat (mejor conocido como el Doctor Who número 10) como el villano Killgrave el cual tiene poderes mentales y a Luke Cage protagonizado por Mike Colter.

Les recuerdo la serie empezará en noviembre 20 de este mismo año a través del servicio Netflix y contará con 13 episodios (1 temporada). Les adjunto un bio de Jessica Jones para que la conozcamos más a fondo:

Jessica Jones was a lonely Midtown High School student with a crush on fellow student Peter Parker (who would soon become the hero Spider-Man) and a fantasy fixation on the Human Torch. She was on a trip to Disney World with her family when her father, distracted by the backseat quarrel of her and her brother, lost control of their car in an accident with an army truck transporting unidentified experimental material, possibly radioactive, to which Jessica was exposed in the course of the accident. Her father, mother, and brother were killed, and Jessica sustained injuries that put her in a coma for months. While the Fantastic Four clashed with Galactus outside her hospital window, Jessica awoke from her coma; she was placed in a home for wayward children and later adopted by a family named Jones, whose name she took.

Months after the accident, while running home from school in an emotionally distraught state, Jessica manifested superhuman powers as a result of the experimental material to which she had been exposed; her inexperienced flying led her to crash-land in the bay, where she was rescued by Thor. She soon realized that she had also gained superhuman strength. While testing her flight capabilities, she chanced upon and defeated the costumed criminal known as the Scorpion, in desperate straits not long after his first defeat by Spider-Man. Proclaimed a hero, Jessica soon took on the costumed identity of Jewel, beginning her heroic career less than three years after Spider-Man’s debut.

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Jessica Jones en sus comienzos de superheroe como Jewel
Jessica Jones, Netflix
Mike Colter como Luke Cage
David Tennant como Killgrave

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