Comienza el Flash Sale Navideño de PlayStation

Hoy da comienzo a un nuevo Flash Sale  con el motivo de la Navidad. Entre los títulos se encuentra Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, Need for Speed, Dragon Age: Inquisition – Game Of The Year Edition y Just Cause 3. Para los amantes de las películas tienen Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse y muchos más. La venta dura hasta el 28 de diciembre, así que aprovechen las ofertas.


Plataforma Título Precio especial Precio Original
PS4 Arcania – The Complete Tale $12.00 $29.99
PS4 Assassin’s Creed Syndicate $40.19 $59.99
PS4 Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Gold Edition $58.49 $89.99
PS4 Batman Arkham Knight $25.00 $49.99
PS4 Batman: Arkham Knight Season Pass $20.00 $39.99
PS4 Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition $45.00 $89.99
PS4 Beyond Eyes $8.99 $14.99
PS4 Beyond: Two Souls HD $20.99 $29.99
PS4 Blood Bowl 2 $29.99 $49.99
PS4 Capsule Force $5.10 $14.99
PS4 Color Guardians (Cross-Buy) $4.50 $14.99
PS4 Darksiders Ii Deathinitive Edition $22.49 $29.99
PS4 Deadpool $34.49 $49.99
PS4 Deception ?: The Nightmare Princess $25.00 $49.99
PS4 Diablo III: Reaper Of Souls – Ultimate Evil Edition $29.40 $59.99
PS4 Dishonored: Definitive Edition $15.20 $39.99
PS4 Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition $14.99 $19.99
PS4 Dragon Age: Inquisition – Game Of The Year Edition $24.00 $59.99
PS4 Farming Simulator 15 $29.99 $49.99
PS4 Grand Theft Auto V $35.99 $59.99
PS4 Grand Theft Auto V & Great White Shark Cash Card Bundle $40.00 $79.99
PS4 Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number (3-Way Cross-Buy) $7.50 $14.99
PS4 I Am Bread $9.09 $12.99
PS4 Just Cause 3 100 Moon Gems $47.99 $59.99
PS4 Just Cause 3 Xl Edition 100 Moon Gems $67.59 $84.49
PS4 King’s Quest – Chapter 1: A Knight To Remember Season Pass $23.69 $29.99
PS4 Legend Of Kay Anniversary $12.00 $29.99
PS4 Lego Jurassic World $25.00 $49.99
PS4 Mad Max $30.00 $59.99
PS4 Madden NFL 16 $24.00 $59.99
PS4 Madden NFL 16 Deluxe: Season Edition $32.00 $79.99
PS4 Madden NFL 16 Super Deluxe: Season Edition $40.00 $99.99
PS4 Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain $40.19 $59.99
PS4 Middle-earth: Shadow Of Mordor – Game Of The Year Edition $23.99 $39.99
PS4 Minecraft: Story Mode – Season Pass $17.49 $24.99
PS4 MX vs ATV Supercross Encore $22.49 $29.99
PS4 N Plus Plus (N++) $11.99 $19.99
PS4 NBA 2K16 $44.99 $59.99
PS4 NBA 2K16 Michael Jordan Special Edition $53.59 $79.99
PS4 Need For Speed $24.00 $59.99
PS4 Need For Speed Deluxe Edition $28.00 $69.99
PS4 Nobunaga’s Ambition: Sphere Of Influence $47.99 $59.99
PS4 Nova-111 (3-way Cross-Buy) $6.00 $14.99
PS4 Onechanbara Z2: Chaos $20.00 $39.99
PS4 Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 20th Anniversary Bundle $46.89 $69.99
PS4 Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 Digital Exclusive Bundle $40.19 $59.99
PS4 Pure Hold’em World Poker Championship $15.99 $19.99
PS4 Risen 3 – Enhanced Edition $20.00 $39.99
PS4 Rock Band 4 $53.99 $59.99
PS4 Samurai Warriors 4-II $39.99 $49.99
PS4 Skylanders Superchargers Portal Owner’s Pack $24.50 $49.99
PS4 Star Wars Battlefront $40.19 $59.99
PS4 Star Wars Battlefront Deluxe Edition $46.89 $69.99
PS4 Star Wars Battlefront Ultimate Edition $89.99 $119.99
PS4 The Book Of Unwritten Tales 2 $8.00 $19.99
PS4 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt $25.00 $49.99
PS4 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Game + Expansion Pass $48.74 $74.99
PS4 Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege Gold Edition $67.49 $89.99
PS4 Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege $44.99 $59.99
PS4 Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5 $29.40 $59.99
PS4 Tour De France 2015 $15.00 $49.99
PS4 Transformers Devastation $24.50 $49.99
PS4 Wolfenstein: The New Order $9.00 $59.99
PS4 Wolfenstein: The Old Blood $5.00 $19.99
PS4 WWE 2k16 $44.99 $59.99
PS4 WWE 2k16 Digital Deluxe Edition $60.29 $89.99
PS4 Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy Of The Duelist $14.99 $19.99
PS3 Deception ?: The Nightmare Princess $25.00 $49.99
PS3 Diablo III: Reaper Of Souls – Ultimate Evil Edition $19.60 $39.99
PS3 Disney Infinity 3.0 $14.99 $19.99
PS3 Farming Simulator 15 $23.99 $39.99
PS3 Grand Theft Auto V $25.20 $59.99
PS3 Grand Theft Auto V & Great White Shark Cash Card Bundle $27.20 $79.99
PS3 Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number (3-Way Cross-Buy) $7.50 $14.99
PS3 King’s Quest – Chapter 1: A Knight To Remember Season Pass $23.69 $29.99
PS3 Legend Of Kay Anniversary $3.75 $24.99
PS3 Lego Jurassic World $20.00 $39.99
PS3 Madden NFL 16 Deluxe: Season Edition $32.00 $79.99
PS3 Madden NFL 16 Standard Edition $24.00 $59.99
PS3 Madden NFL 16 Super Deluxe: Season Edition $40.00 $99.99
PS3 Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain $33.49 $49.99
PS3 Minecraft: Story Mode – Season Pass $17.49 $24.99
PS3 Monster Jam Battlegrounds $7.50 $14.99
PS3 Nba 2K16 $44.99 $59.99
PS3 Nobunaga’s Ambition: Sphere Of Influence $39.99 $49.99
PS3 Nova-111 (3-way Cross-Buy) $6.00 $14.99
PS3 Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 20th Anniversary Bundle $40.19 $59.99
PS3 Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 Digital Exclusive Bundle $33.49 $49.99
PS3 Samurai Warriors 4-II $31.99 $39.99
PS3 Skylanders Superchargers Portal Owner’s Pack $24.50 $49.99
PS3 The Book Of Unwritten Tales 2 $3.00 $19.99
PS3 Tour De France 2015 $12.00 $39.99
PS3 Transformers Devastation $24.50 $49.99
PS3 WWE 2K16 $44.99 $59.99
PS3 WWE 2K16 Digital Deluxe Edition $59.99 $79.99
PS Vita Amnesia: Memories $7.50 $29.99
PS Vita Color Guardians (Cross-Buy) $4.50 $14.99
PS Vita Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls $23.99 $39.99
PS Vita Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number (3-Way Cross-Buy) $7.50 $14.99
PS Vita Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth3: V Generation $10.00 $39.99
PS Vita Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed $10.00 $39.99
PS Vita Lego Jurassic World $10.00 $19.99
PS Vita Nova-111 (3-Way Cross-Buy) $6.00 $14.99
PS Vita Samurai Warriors 4-II $31.99 $39.99


42 $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $7.99
300 $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $7.99
16 Blocks $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $6.99
21 Jump Street (2012) $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $6.99
21 Jump Street (2012) / 22 Jump Street – Set $16.99 $14.99 $16.99 $14.99
22 Jump Street $9.99 $7.99 $14.99 $7.99
300: Rise Of An Empire $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $9.99
6 Years $9.99 $7.99 $12.99 $7.99
All Is Lost $12.99 $6.99 $13.99 $6.99
All Relative $7.99 $3.99 $8.99 $3.99
American Heist $17.99 $7.99 $19.99 $7.99
Angriest Man In Brooklyn $12.99 $6.99 $14.99 $6.99
Argo: Declassified Edition Extended $9.99 $6.99 $17.99 $9.99
Ashby $12.99 $6.99 $14.99 $6.99
Book Of Eli, The $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $7.99
Boyhood $12.99 $6.99 $12.99 $6.99
Bucket List, The $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $6.99
Chappie $12.99 $7.99 $14.99 $7.99
Clash Of The Titans (2010) $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $7.99
Clouds Of Sils Maria $12.99 $6.99 $14.99 $6.99
Conjuring, The $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $9.99
Conjuring, The $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $9.99
Cooties $12.99 $7.99 $14.99 $7.99
Croods, The $14.99 $6.99 $14.99 $6.99
D Train $12.99 $6.99 $14.99 $6.99
Dear White People $12.99 $7.99 $14.99 $7.99
Elysium $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $6.99
Equalizer, The $9.99 $7.99 $14.99 $7.99
Evil Dead (2013) $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $6.99
Expendables 3, The $13.99 $7.99 $14.99 $7.99
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $6.99
Final Destination, The (2009) $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $6.99
Friday The 13th (2009) $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $6.99
Fury $9.99 $7.99 $14.99 $7.99
Gambler $12.99 $6.99 $14.99 $6.99
Girl House $9.99 $5.99 $11.99 $7.99
Good Kill $12.99 $6.99 $14.99 $6.99
Good People $14.99 $6.99 $19.99 $7.99
Gravity $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $9.99
Gravity: Special Edition $9.99 $6.99 $17.99 $9.99
Grudge Match $9.99 $6.99 $17.99 $7.99
Home $14.99 $9.99 $14.99 $9.99
Horrible Bosses (totally Inappropriate Edition) $9.99 $6.99 $17.99 $7.99
Hotel Transylvania $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $6.99
How To Train Your Dragon $14.99 $8.99 $14.99 $8.99
How To Train Your Dragon 2 $19.99 $8.99 $19.99 $8.99
Interstellar $14.99 $6.99 $19.99 $6.99
Kung Fu Panda $14.99 $6.99 $14.99 $6.99
Kung Fu Panda 2 $14.99 $6.99 $14.99 $6.99
Last Days On Mars $9.99 $3.99 $12.99 $3.99
Lila And Eve $9.99 $5.99 $11.99 $5.99
Love & Mercy $17.99 $7.99 $19.99 $7.99
Madagascar $14.99 $6.99 $14.99 $6.99
Madagascar 2: Escape To Africa $14.99 $6.99 $14.99 $6.99
Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted $14.99 $6.99 $14.99 $6.99
Maggie $14.99 $7.99 $17.99 $7.99
Magic Mike $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $7.99
Malibu’s Most Wanted $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $6.99
Man Of Steel (special Edition) $9.99 $7.99 $17.99 $7.99
Manson Family Vacation $9.99 $7.99 $12.99 $7.99
Mission: Impossible Bundle (1-5) $34.99 $21.99 $39.99 $21.99
Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation $14.99 $9.99 $19.99 $9.99
Mortdecai x x $12.99 $9.99
National Lampoon’s Vacation: 30th Anniversary $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $7.99
Paranormal Activity Ghost Dimension $12.99 $9.99 $14.99 $9.99
Pay The Ghost $11.99 $7.99 $12.99 $7.99
Point Break $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $7.99
Prisoners $9.99 $6.99 $17.99 $9.99
Project Almanac $12.99 $6.99 $14.99 $6.99
Rob The Mob $12.99 $3.99 $17.99 $3.99
Robot Overlords $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $7.99
Rush Hour $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $7.99
Rush Hour 2 $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $7.99
Scouts Guide To The Zombie Apocalypse $12.99 $9.99 $14.99 $9.99
Self/less $14.99 $9.99 $14.99 $9.99
Selma $12.99 $6.99 $14.99 $6.99
Shrek $14.99 $6.99 $14.99 $6.99
Shrek 2 $14.99 $6.99 $14.99 $6.99
Shrek Forever After $14.99 $6.99 $14.99 $6.99
Shrek The Third $14.99 $6.99 $14.99 $6.99
Spongebob: Out Of Water $14.99 $6.99 $19.99 $6.99
Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $7.99
Terminator Genisys $14.99 $9.99 $19.99 $9.99
The Gift $14.99 $9.99 $14.99 $9.99
This Is The End $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $6.99
Tiger House $12.99 $6.99 $14.99 $7.99
TMNT $12.99 $6.99 $14.99 $6.99
Trainwreck $14.99 $9.99 $14.99 $9.99
Two Night Stand $9.99 $5.99 $11.99 $5.99
Underworld: The Legacy Collection $24.99 $19.99 $24.99 $19.99
Wild Horses $9.99 $5.99 $11.99 $5.99
Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory 40th Anniversary Edition $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $7.99
Winter’s Tale $9.99 $6.99 $17.99 $9.99
Wizard Of Oz: 75th Anniversary $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $7.99
Z For Zachariah $14.99 $7.99 $17.99 $7.99
Zombieland (2009) $9.99 $6.99 $12.99 $6.99

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